< Welcome to Root Change

Our Approach

We have learned that solutions to the most pressing challenges lie in the collective, not in any single institution. That is why purposeful networking and collaboration strategies are at the heart of Root Change’s three practice areas: Capacity Building, Innovation Identification and Scale up, and Network Strengthening.

We pride ourselves on bringing fresh, new, and thoroughly engaging practices and approaches to our programs through:

Connectivity - Designing programs that build connections with new thinkers across boudnaries of sector, culture, and geography.

Ecosystem Analysis and Strengthening - Enhancing collaboration across an ecosystem of actors and initiatives through organizational and social network analysis, network capacity performance dashboards, and SMS text and mapping technologies.

Experimentation - Tapping into collective intelligence to discover together what works through dialogue, experimentation, and action research.

World Class Facilitation - Practicing creative ways in designing and implementing learning events and embracing a genuine respect for local knowledge.

Pattern-Breaking Strategies - Challenging ourselves and our partners in re-thinking old assumptions and holding up our mental models to scrutiny. Pattern breaking strategies disrupt the status quo to make room for new thinking and practices.

Root Change 610 8th St. NE Washington DC
202-470-5566 | info@rootchange.org